Nauru Superannuation (Amendment) No. 2 Act 2020
as passed
This collection contains Acts as passed and subordinate legislation as made, but does not include any amendments that may subsequently have been made to these laws. The material in this collection therefore may not reflect the current state of the law.
PDF of Act | Nauru_Superannuation_(Amendment)_No._2_Act_2020_.pdf (300.55Kb) |
Short title | Nauru Superannuation (Amendment) No. 2 Act 2020 |
Status | As passed |
Act number | 20 of 2020 |
Act type | Amending legislation |
In force from | 23 October 2020 |
Certification date | 23 October 2020 |
Commencement information | Not Available |
Responsible ministers | Not Available |
Responsible departments | Not Available |
Amends/repeals/affects | None |